The Support of Stockpile Stewardship Project is funded by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. This project originally grew out of Texas A&M’s role as an affiliate of Lawrence Livermore National Security LLC, which manages the laboratory. The purpose of this project is to fund various forms of computational methods development in support of nuclear weapons stockpile stewardship. We are now in the final year of our third three-year contract. The specific research topics are:
- Strength of Materials: Co-PI: Professor Amine Benzerga, Aerospace Engineering
- Microstructure Evolution/Phase-Field Modeling: Co-PI, Professor Raymundo Arroyave, Materials Science and Engineering
- Hydrodynamics: Co-PI’s: Professors Jean-Luc Guermond and Bojan Popov, Mathematics
- Multifrequency, Relativistically Correct, Radiative Shock Benchmarks, Co-PI: Professor Jim Morel, Nuclear Engineering
- Positivity Preserving Methods: Co-PI’s: Professors Jean Ragusa, Nuclear Engineering and Jean-Luc Guermond, Mathematics
- Reduced-Order Models with Machine Learning: Co-PI: Professor Jean Ragusa, Nuclear Engineering
- Unstructured-Mesh Coarsening for Deterministic Radiation Transport: Co-PI: Professor Jim Morel, Nuclear Engineering
Th TAMU investigators for each research topic have collaborators at LLNL with whom they closely interact. Establishing such collaborative relationships is essential for the SSSP Project. These collaborations ensure that the SSSP research is relevant to LLNL needs and impactful. The LLNL collaborators interact with students as well as faculty, and often serve on student research committees. Students generally do summer internships at LLNL. There is an annual review for the entire project that his held at TAMU with attendance by LLNL project management and collaborating staff.